A Message to our Customers

My story...

When I was very young, my father passed away. He left behind my mother and two very young children. I was the youngest and my mother never remarried. Growing up, I remember watching my mom try to navigate using contractors of any type. She spent many sleepless nights stressing over who to call for what. She almost always felt like she was going to be taken advantage of and at times she was. As she spent so much time feeling weary of having anyone come into our home, most of the repairs that needed to get done were just pushed to the next day and eventually never got completed. One of the few jobs that she would have someone come out for was when the AC went down. 

As I got older, I watched our once beautiful home go into disrepair. I watched my mom and I felt helpless because I was just a child, with no idea about who to trust or how to fix these things. As I grew older and I became an adult, I chose to get into the trades. My whole family had been college educated and all I knew is that I never wanted to feel the way that my mom did. I never wanted to feel as helpless as I in did those days. I slowly learned how to fix things around the house and then I began learning about electricity and wiring. In 2012 I finally came into the opportunity to learn about air conditioning and the refrigeration cycle. 

In 2020, I had the opportunity to begin teaching ac at Fortis College.  I love learning and I really loved teaching when I had the opportunity. The funny thing about teaching is that I went into it feeling like I didn't have enough to offer. I quickly realized that I had a wealth of knowledge and experience that a lot of the students really craved. 

As time went on, I found myself in a position to take the next step in my career through obtaining my HVAC contractors license in Alabama. I am now driven to help keep anyone from feeling the way that my mom did as I was growing up. I have found it my life's mission to help people feel safe when they need help. We all deserve safety and peace of mind. I want to make Kindness my legacy. 

I am sorry if that was a little long winded, but I feel like it is a very important part of my story and I wanted to explain a little bit of where the name of the company is derived. Today I choose to surround myself with people who are kind, loving, and want to not only see me do my best, but push me there! Thank you for reading my story.

In loving service,

Joel, Owner of Kindness Air